Updating Excel sheets
  • 29 Aug 2019
  • 1 Minute to read
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Updating Excel sheets

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Article Summary

Basic idea

4Straction provides a way to map Excel sheets to system indicators and allow updating them via interface. This provides a seamless way to integrate manually updated backoffice excel data to web publishing process.

You can also import Excel sheets via API from your backoffice.

Importing Excel sheets

You have to pass Base64 encoded string value for the Excel binary and integer configuration value for Excel configuration in the system. Currently you can get the integer value by studying the network traffic in the browser.

FileUploadHelperEntity {
String Base64String
int sheetExcelConfigurationID


After successfull upload, you will get an entity representing PerformanceIndicatorTimePeriodSummary which you can iterate to find out that you really have that data understood and processed by the system that you want.

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