Facilitate strategic learning
  • 28 Aug 2019
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Facilitate strategic learning

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Article summary

Walkthrough with strategy tools

A strategic walkthrough session is a completely new way of utilizing the best common strategy tools for continuous and accumulative strategic dialogue. Utilizing the information content of the chosen strategy tool perspectives is made easy, because qualified insight feeds show up automatically in relevant learning tools, in the right context. Simply pick up the perspective i.e. the strategic learning tool that suits your needs best (new product development, market demand, competitive capabilities, identification of growth potential, business model renewal, competitive advantage, etc.) and become absorbed in strategic thinking whenever you choose to. Online dialogue will take place alongside strategic tool visualizations.

Insight Feeds together with online Strategic Learning Tools can replace conventional strategic analysis projects. Although insight feeds alone can provide an up-to-date business insight and foresight, Strategic Learning Tools provide a deeper and multi-faceted understanding of internal and external business environments.

Online Trend and Scenario Tool

Behind, around and inside a company’s competitive arenas, there are ascending and descending trends that affect a company’s business. Stay on track by identifying weak signals and new trends via the new online trend radar with communication. Weak signals and trends are classified according to the PESTEL framework and information is originated, for example, from feed streams, polls and third-party interfaces. Online trend tools make it easy to spot weak signals, discuss trends and rate their relevance.

Strategic scenarios are based on business foresight, which is based on insights. A scenario describes possible future trends. It is useful to think about different scenarios in order to have the necessary agility when environments change. Company strategy and business models must be streamlined with the expected scenario option. Although trend cycles may go on for years, monitoring and fine-tuning are ongoing.

Competitive Advantage Tool

The idea of the Value Curves is to compare a company’s value components against their competitors’ value components and customers’ needs. Visual Value Curves facilitate dialogue to understand which value components should be eliminated, reduced, raised and created for a sustainable competitive advantage. It is important to understand customer needs and their buying criteria, but strategically, competitive advantage is of greatest importance. This tool concentrates on a sustainable competitive advantage.

Information sources for the Value Curve Tool are feed streams and external/internal polls. Company strategy is the answer to the question ‘How will company vision and strategic objectives be achieved?’ and this tool focuses on this question in new ways. Online feeds and dialogue are now integrated with competitive advantage in a single visual and dynamic tool.

Business Model view

The business model is a simplified representation of strategy. It is neatly linked with business logic and business ideas, but especially with competitive advantage. The value of the tool lies in the evaluation and understanding of the attractiveness of businesses. Every product brings value to its customers.

The Business Model Tool visualizes how the value (proposition) will be delivered to customers. In the Service, business definition can be depicted in terms of products and markets (e.g. products, product lines, product groups, customers, customer groups, markets and market segments). The Business Model Tool creates the framework for your business.

SWOT and TOWS - Identifying Strategic Options

Strategic learning tools stimulate strategic thinking and communication, encouraging new ideas about the current status, the future and any actions to be taken. The Service facilitates online communication and ratings around to create the best possible business foresight. An optional outcome for consideration is to upgrade a topic to a SWOT topic and to match external opportunities and threats with your internal strengths and weaknesses. This in turn will help you to formulate strategic actions and tasks.
How do you:

  • Make the most of your strengths?
  • Overcome your weaknesses?
  • Capitalize on your opportunities?
  • Manage your threats?

When everyone uses the same concepts, and understands each other, you will feel the power of highly effective cooperation. Previous thinking and knowledge will be available for new knowledge creation, while the peer rating method ensures significance and factuality of the clear conclusions. The Service integrates qualitative and quantitative feeds from internal and external sources in visual strategic frameworks and SWOT topics. These build up business foresight that can be further divided into strategic scenarios.

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