Security and service policy
  • 07 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Security and service policy

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Article summary

This article descibes how 4straction handles service continiuty and security related issues

Service delivery

4Straction service runs in Microsoft Azure, Located in Ireland (Azure location North Europe).

Some parts of the service are provided by partners outside of Europe (Intercom, Hotjar) which are explained in agreements as GDPR compliant sub-processors. Client can request to exclude these services so no data is transferred outside of Europe.

4straction will use commercially reasonable efforts to make 4straction available with an uptime of 99.8% of each calendar month during business hours (between 07 to 20 in Helsinki time region). Uptime calculation does not include calculation of scheduled maintanance.

Scheduled maintanace means 4straction scheduled routine of maintanance of the services. 4straction always tries to manage scheduled maintanance during weekdays or evenings/nights (in Helsinki time region). Other scheduled maintanance will be notified to the user in service login page 1 week (7 calendar days) before such scheduled maintanance. Scheduled Maintenance will not exceed eight (8) hours per month.

Interruptions and recovery

4Straction will make scheduled backups of all customers data. In case of interruption or data failure, customers data snapshot can be recovered to previous nightly backup snapshot. Customer can also request partial or full backup of data to previous days or week snapshot. This recovery work is billed by hour.

Supported devices

4straction aims to provide support for wide variety of internet browsers. Alla Major Browser are supported, including:

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Microsoft Edge

Microsoft IE is NOT supported. Versions at least 2 years old are supported from every major browsers, but we recommend users keep an up-to-date version from each, including security updates.

Main mobile browsers from Android (chrome) and Apple (safari) are supported too.

Cookie and Javascript support are required

Software updates

4straction carries weekly modifications to the sofware system. Software udpates are automatic and doesn't require work from the customer. All modifications aims to provide users better experience and improve reaching users goals. Small improvements and modifications are done when the system is running. Larger changes to software system will be notified in advance for the users via email and in service login page one week (7 days) before implementing the change. Some new functionality can be toggled by the user on-or-off.

4straction will use concentional quality assurance processes to maintain high-quality in software delivery. In case of critical errors in the system, 4straction will try to provide fix during the same business day.


4straction service is delivered via browser and secured by SSL certificate. Normal user login is managed by username and password. Session is secured by a cookie.

Company can request to only allow 3rd-party authentication (Google, Microsoft). There it is possible to restrict authentication to only 2-factor authentication mode.

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